HBCU Library Alliance HBCU Library Alliance

HBCU Library Alliance 9th Membership Meeting

Theme: So You Know Who We Are: HBCU Libraries In Full View

Tuesday and Wednesday, June 1-2, 2021

Virtual Format 
The 9th Membership Meeting will be hosted in a virtual format in response to Covid-19 and to allow more participation by HBCU Library Alliance members and partners.  Sessions are planned to celebrate the accomplishments, challenges and impact of the HBCU Library Alliance. Project updates on the Summer Conservation/Preservation Internship program, the NEH Building Capacity project and the CLIR Creating Access project will be delivered. Training sessions will be developed based on member request and input.  Members are invited to present sessions that build upon the “So You Know Who We Are: HBCU Libraries In Full View” theme. An exhibit hall is planned for members to experience a full range of products and services and connect with vendors. 

Welcome and Greetings – Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress
The Librarian of Congress will join us live and share virtual greetings to meeting attendees. It’s been such a pleasure for me to engage with the Library of Congress in support of HBCU Library Alliance activities.

Keynote Speaker
Adrienne Lance Lucas will keynote the event.  Adrienne is President of Lance, Lucas and Associates, a management consulting firm delivering strategy and implementation work for not for profit and small business clients. Lance Lucas and Associates assisted the HBCU Library Alliance with the NEH Building Capacity challenge grant. Her firm has a primary specialty working with the members of the HBCU community. I know you will enjoy hearing from and learning from Adrienne.

Training Sessions and Exhibit Hall

The success of the meeting depends on your involvement and input. Your assistance is needed as training sessions are developed and vendors are identified for the Exhibit Hall. Are there particular training sessions/training topics that would be helpful to you and/or your library? Are there exhibitors you would like to connect and/or meet with? 

If so, respond to this survey link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MGHHFR6 no later than Friday, March 26th with suggestions.

Conference Presentations: Broadcast News

It is important that your voice is heard during the Membership meeting. Members are invited to record a session of not more than 15 minutes including Q&A that will be presented during the meeting. Presenters must be available during their scheduled session to respond to questions/comments posted in the chat box. 

Follow this link for submission details

Click here for information on sponsorships and share with your community. There are several opportunities to support the HBCU Library Alliance.

Decade of Investment…And More

Click here to process your contribution. This is an opportunity for members to invest in the HBCU Library Alliance. Thanks for sharing your financial resources.

What We Need from You
The $199.00 registration fee covers up to 4 staff from each institution. This will enable greater participation by community members. Follow this link http://www.hbculibraries.org/meeting-2021-form.html to register.

In Summary

It is important at this critical moment in history to connect with the HBCU Library Alliance membership. My team looks forward to our time together at the virtual June Membership meeting.

Stay tuned!
